Terry (Simone) Alcorn and Butch Alcorn
Both of us grew up in South Jersey. We were married in December, 1988 and have four children, Kristy, Brad, Tim and Brianna. We have been blessed with 3 grand children, Justin (who is now with The Lord), Alannah, and Max.
We have been actively involved in local church's for over 20 years and have been blessed by God through serving, learning, teaching and leading.
Butch has been sucessfully self-employed for over 26 years, first as a landscaper and for the past 19 years in welding and waste container refurbishing - Delaware Valley Container Repair, LLC.
Terry has enjoyed being a stay at home mom for many years and has had various positions in the work field. She currently devotes her time to a scarf ministry and online yarn business with all proceeds being contributed to helping women in Guatemala - Bead Adyx Yarn and More.
We have been actively involved in local church's for over 20 years and have been blessed by God through serving, learning, teaching and leading.
Butch has been sucessfully self-employed for over 26 years, first as a landscaper and for the past 19 years in welding and waste container refurbishing - Delaware Valley Container Repair, LLC.
Terry has enjoyed being a stay at home mom for many years and has had various positions in the work field. She currently devotes her time to a scarf ministry and online yarn business with all proceeds being contributed to helping women in Guatemala - Bead Adyx Yarn and More.